Basics of Animal Communication

A 1 Day In Person Workshop

to learn and practice animal communication

April 28 • 10 - 4pm

With Neave Karger - Animal Communicator and Heron Hill Herd

Heron Hill Equine • 241 Sand Road Port Townsend

Maximum 22 people • Register by April 27

A Special Invitation to Deepen your relationship with your intuition and your animals

Thank you for considering this Animal Communication Basics In Person Workshop which is the result of thousands of conversations with animals and their people  as well as leading multiple animal communication courses both in person and virtual.

I  have helped hundreds of students and clients connect and gain confidence in their intuition.  Students have been able to be more receptive and communicate with their animals which results in greater connection and harmony in their own world. Students also gain an understanding of their own psychic senses and report trusting their intuition to a greater degree. 

Our world desperately needs more people willing to trust their intuition as well as their connection to animals and their understanding that everything is communicating and to be willing to engage in the conversation. Often, there are offers to strengthen your intuition through meditations and mindfulness which are great steps.  Learning the Basics of Animal Communication in person  gives you a real time workout  to keep your intuition toned and receptive. 

I have embodied knowledge (as opposed to intellectual-only knowledge) from participating in thousands of animal communication conversations and I teach with my whole system offering embodied templates for connecting with the animals.  During the workshop you will be experiencing  conversations with animals and you will learn how to be open and receptive to receive their responses validating your psychic senses and  connection with your intuition. 

I believe animals are here to teach us to walk in harmony and balance in our lives and guide us in how to be present.  It is your sacred responsibility to learn how to communicate with them and I want to support you with that.  The  Animal Communication Basics In Person Workshop  guides you through how to deepen your connection with your psychic senses and abilities to send and receive telepathic communications to converse with the animals. In this in-depth interactive workshop you will learn how to be open and receptive to speaking with the animals.  

Being in the presence of the horses assists in heightening your intuitive senses.   Since horses are prey animals they have a large limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for emotion and intuition, which greatly contributes to their keen ability to detect danger. Horses naturally and instinctually function from their intuitive and bodily sense since they do not think in terms of language, but rather feel the energy within and around them. The presence of the horse will help you reconnect to your body sensing and your intuition to communicate without words.

This workshop supports your body to experience communicating with animals outside of class.  You will have embodied knowledge of your psychic senses and how you receive and send communications. 

Inside the  upcoming Animal Communication Basics In Person Workshop:

  • Understanding of the basics of telepathy, empathy, intuition, and psychic senses.

  • Familiarity with the steps to communicate with animals

  • Experiences communicating with animals.

  • Increased awareness of your own intuition and psychic abilities.

  • A greater connection with yourself, nature and the animals.

  • A new perspective on communication. 

 And much more ...

This is a unique opportunity to be learning Animal Communication Basics where you will be learning from the horses, nature, and me, we are all committed to being of service for harmony and connection.   All the details are on this page.

We look forward to seeing you at the barn if you choose to join!

In appreciation,

Neave Karger

P.S. This workshop will be LIVE in person at the Heron Hill barn.  We will be doing various exercises throughout the workshop for you to practice animal communication and strengthen your intuitive muscles. 

P.S.S. Please leave your animals at home. Please do bring pictures of your animal companions. You will be practicing connecting with them telepathically through pictures.

Student Testimonials

  • Neave’s deep knowledge and intuitive connection to the animals is infectiously joyous! If my best friend were to ask me about Neave’s classes I’d say, “Take them! They’re a lot of fun. You’ll be surprised at how much you learn about connecting with the animals in just a few classes. 

    MS, Seattle

  • The experience of connecting with the animals was not what I expected—somehow it was just so natural and easy, not foreign at all, like I was simply re-learning a skill I had lost a long time ago. What a rich experience, and what life-affirming messages I received.  Neave is the real deal. Her talents in this realm are profound, and it is an honor to learn and grow under her guidance. ​


  • Neave is an amazing teacher. She has a childlike wonder and encourages others to do the same. No answer is wrong and she is so good at helping others understand this gift. She is down to earth and is so patient with her students and clients her work is amazing.


Benefits of Learning Animal Communication

Who is Animal Communication Basics  for?

This program is for anybody who wants to deepen their connection to their intuition and who desires to communicate with animals. 

This program is intended for:

  • Those who believe animals are sentient beings

  • Those who are seeking to build greater self awareness

  • Those who are seeking to deepen their relationships with their animals

  • Those who desire to enhance their communication skills and strengthen their intuition

  • Those who are willing to learn in order to communicate with the animals

  • Those who have shared their lives or are currently sharing their lives with animals. 

  • Those who have an open heart and a curious mind.

  • Folks who are compassionate and respectful.

This program is NOT intended for:

  • Those who believe animals cannot or do not communicate with humans

  • Those who believe in intellectual-only knowledge

  •  Folks who don't like to be challenged in any way, and won't be honest with themselves if they are triggered

  • People who don’t believe in psychic senses and body wisdom

  • Anyone who is not willing to explore new ideas and possibilities 

  • Anyone not willing to treat animals with compassion and respect.

Meet the Team

Student Responses to:

What results have you gotten from this class?

  • Learning that communicating with animals is just as doable as any other human activity. Also, that the difference in our belief systems was not an impediment for me, because I saw what lay behind yours -- a profound respect and joy in life and all forms of creation, that it embraced a higher and broader view of it. I appreciated this a lot, as it opened up my own thoughts to something I also believe but never gave thought to.


  • Remembering my true self, and voice.


  • That communicating with animals is something I can actually learn to do ( I didn't trust this before); that answers tend to come right away; that I understand why answers are not necessarily right or wrong; that I have acquired a fresh and heightened view of creation and perception/ respect for all forms of life.
