Heartsong has HUNDREDS of glowing reviews
from happy humans and happy animals! Read away.
Our house has become reliant on the grace of Neave. We have come to rely on Neave’s gift of communicating with our 3 dogs. We have a hound dog and 2 sibling retrievers. The hound has the mantle of King of the house and has taken this role to mean that it is his job to let us know when it’s time for a family conversation. I’ll spare you the details of how he tells us to contact Neave. Suffice it to say it involves a roll of TP.
Recently both our bathrooms had been rolled so we knew something was amiss. Boy were we right. He had a lot to get off his chest. Most of it was concerned for our well being. He can tell when our house is at stress alert: def-con high. When he finally got to his concerns he asked for daily massages and walks. He loves it when our house has a good routine. He loves it when the evenings wind down with quiet couch time. He shared solid advice about how helpful it is for all of us when we can communicate. Fortunately for us we have Neave in our pack. She helps break down the wall that sometimes separates humans from dogs as far as understanding. She helps us speak to each other. She helps us to listen and strategize. She has helped us too many times to count. We love having Neave in our corner to help us with communication. - Betsey July 17, 2022
I was worried about leaving our young dog home with friends, while going out of town for a week. Neave helped to ease both my fears and Maya’s. Received great humorous insights from the call, too. I will definitely contact Neave again! - Laurie K Feb 27, 2022
Neave continues to work her magic with my new kittens. She comforted me in regards to moving on with these two new babies. Due to a divorce, I had to leave my previous cats behind in order to start over and I had some guilt regarding this...Neave was wonderful about listening and also helping me bridge the gap between old and new. And I know she'll continue to help me with the new babies! - Jamie Hodges Feb 22, 2022
Neave was so much fun to talk to! I learned things about Journey that I didn't know. Neave was able to remind Journey to be a cat, not my protector. She seems much more relaxed. Thank you so very much. 💜 - Tami Most Feb 11, 2022
I am so happy that Neave makes her gifts available to us. Being able to have a conversation with our cats was illuminating and affirming. It has given me the certainty to move forward with plans to improve their lives and help us all enjoy each other even more! Thank you, Neave. - Nancy Feb 8, 2022
I feel very grateful to Neave for her ability to carry on facilitating a multiple animal-human conversation and remain present for everyone. She has the qualities of my beloved mare, who was the reason for the session. Kind, matter-of-fact in a congruent yet tender way, with a reminder to have fun regardless of circumstances. We appreciate you, Neave---it feels wonderful to be seen and heard. - Constance Funk Feb 4, 2022
Neave is a very gifted communicator. She captures each animal's personality and details confirming she has contacted the correct animal. Her caring nature comes through strongly in sessions. She is laid back and easy to follow. - Eric V Feb 3, 2022
I love my rescue pit bull so much, but being her 4th mom in 6 years left her with soooooooo much anxiety and can't be left alone. I talked to Neave with Daisy and she is much better, still anxious, but I feel like she understands better that she's in her forever home, she's loved, and she will always get what she needs. And I love when she has questions for me that we can answer. We've had 4 calls with Neave, and Daisy seems to enjoy, and look forward to, the conversations. - L.T. Feb 1, 2022
I’ve consulted with HeartSong several times and it has always been very helpful information. I’ve referred her to others as well and they have been happy as well. Thank you! - K.P. Jan 20, 2022
I enjoyed the conversation I had with my pup, Maya, and Neave. I discovered that my rescue pup has PTSD. Not surprising because she traveled halfway around the world to arrive in Seattle. I received very helpful advice, and will definitely call on Neave again for the future. I definitely recommend her. - Anonymous Jan 18, 2022
We really enjoyed the experience with Neave. She was helpful in telling us about our dog Potato’s anxiety and she shared some things that were very eye opening and will stay with us forever. We would recommend Neave to anyone who is, open, curious and willing to communicate with their animal. - Missy & Jamie Hancock Jan 7, 2022
Much of what appears to be about the dog is really about you - I mean, me, my life, my issues. Inspired by my daughter's experience over many years with Neave, I have found my two appointments with her comforting, illuminating and inspiring. And, they've really helped with my doggie Shayna too! - Susan Zalkind Dec 17, 2021
I heard about Neave from a friend. I mentioned that my 9 year old Shiu Tzu Yorkie Jake stopped sleeping in my bed after sleeping with me since I adopted him at 7 months. Jake told Neave the bed was saturated with filthy energy ( because I did energy healing while seated in my bed and never cleansed the room… and that the room was noisy (I moved a tv in the room recently) After "energy cleansing" room and removing tv Jake is back sleeping with me that night after the session. Thank you! - Maile V Dec 9, 2021
Very enlightening and helpful with deciding on whether and how to treat my my dog. Thank you! Thank you! - Abigail F Dec 8, 2021
Thank you so much Neave! It makes us so happy to have been able to give our kitty Vivian the assurance that she has a forever home with us and for her to know that she is loved dearly (she was found as an abandoned cat and brought to a rescue group) . And it is good to know she is comfortable and happy to be with us. It was also nice to learn a few ways to help communicate with her so that we can all feel more connected with our interactions. - Laura R. Nov 21, 2021
Neave is the real thing! I was skeptical that communication with my dogs could happen from a photo, and on the phone. However, I can not express how very helpful this was! We rescued a dog to add to our pack and it threw our whole system upside down, so I figured I had nothing to lose by trying out an animal communication session. In fact, this communication has helped us all to understand how to help and support each other. Fantastic experience! I cannot recommend Neave highly enough!! - Catherine Jewett Nov 20, 2021
I made the call with Neave because our cat was not eating and a little aggressive, agitated. Come to find out, and not for the first time, it was the humans not managing their energy appropriately. Neave helped us recognize we needed to mind our energy and keep it healthy and clean and not spilling all over the place for the cat to get stuck in. By the next day, the cat was feeling better and was affectionate again and eating normally. Thank you!! - W.H. Nov 19, 2021
Thank you Neave, you are always spot on, and in tune. I feel like you not only helped us with Piper, but you helped me to clear some trauma, and the session was filled with so many insights. I feel more connected to my guides and my body, and Piper seems to be more herself and not stressed. Thank you, I would recommend anyone who is a pet owner to book a session with you! - Lisa Shook Nov 19, 2021
Our new puppy didn't know her place and how to act. We were able to talk to her about her role in the family and expectations through Neave. The biggest takeaway was that she was feeding off our energy; since the call, we have tried to be really cognizant of how we may affect her behavior. - Carrie B. - Oct 18, 2021
It was both extremely interesting and amazing to have Neave consult our dogs and tell us their attitude towards each other and why certain behaviors are taking place. Our assumptions were not correct but now we know how to modify the sleeping and feeding so they are more comfortable around each other. Their insights about us were spot on. - Mike & Diane Soules Sep 15, 2021
Neave has worked her amazing spiritual gifts with my family, both human and animal. My husband and 3 cats have (in addition to covid) had quite the year of drama and Neave has done a wonderful job of defusing the tensions and confusion. She has helped us navigate some life changes with our boys and we are so grateful for Neave and her work! - Jamie Hare Sep 2, 2021
She knew stuff nobody would know about us. She really helped with the connection I have with my cats and was very helpful with our issues. - Leah S. Aug 26, 2021
Neave has worked her amazing spiritual gifts with my family, both human and animal. My husband and 3 cats have (in addition to covid) had quite the year of drama and Neave has done a wonderful job of defusing the tensions and confusion. She has helped us navigate some life changes with our boys and we are so grateful for Neave and her work! - Jamie Hare Sep 2, 2021
She knew stuff nobody would know about us. She really helped with the connection I have with my cats and was very helpful with our issues. - Leah S. Aug 26, 2021
I received answers and a different direction of thinking . A positive look into my senior mares future and retirement . I’m looking forward to our conversation that will include my mares new young companion . Thank you Neave - C.S. Jul 31, 2021
It was lovely to connect with our dog, Lexi, through Neave’s gentle, powerful communication. Lexi has always been terrified of fireworks but this year has been worse as her mobility has severely decreased. Together with Lexi, we came up with specific strategies to help her feel safe. Now we all feel grounded going into this 4th of July weekend. Thank you, Neave! - Shelly W Jul 3, 2021
I could not have imagined a more wonderful experience! It was truly a gift to be able to communicate with my girls! I feel like our connection is much deeper now and we are able to understand each other's needs. I very much enjoyed hearing their questions, there were many laughs and a few heartfelt tears from me! It made me realize as much as we adopted them they too have adopted us and put the same care and love into our day as we do theirs. I can't recommend Neave enough! She is wonderful! - Danielle Beck Jun 24, 2021
First of all, this was the most moving, informative animal communication experience I have ever had. I have 6 of my own cats and a various number of cats and kittens in my Cattery that is attached to my home. I run a cat and Kitten rescue Called Cat Care. My objective for the session was to communicate with everyone to see how they were doing with their health, well-being, and stress of all the cats in the house and Cattery. I wanted to feel how they feel and try to address their concerns. - Padgie Kimmick Jun 16, 2021
Our dog Lexi is usually quite alert, but fell into a deep slumber when the call began, which really spoke to the relaxed quality and depth of Neave's communication. All our questions were answered, & we loved being able to hear Lexi's questions. We felt closer to her, understanding her perspective of living with a degenerative condition, needing wheels to walk. We continue to feel more connected to Lexi, verbally explaining things to her, and trusting what she seems to be communicating to us. - Shelly W Jun 4, 2021
So thankful to experience this communication with our girl. Peace and knowing we are doing the right thing for her, is huge. Thank you, Neave. - Stasha Howarth-Clark May 23, 2021
I found my session with Neave was nothing short of amazing. I have a senior dog that I knew was starting to have health issues and wanted to understand where she was at and what she needed in the time ahead. I’m very grateful for what I learned and the way Neave communicated it to both Mattie and I. I’m looking forward to a second session just to check in. Thank You! - Deb Schuster Apr 21, 2021
I wanted to share my thoughts with others, as Neaves gifts continue to enrich our lives, and each visit helps me feel closer and a better friend/ caregiver to my beloved animals. As well as animals in my environment. Her help with large life changes and the effect they have on our animals, is just amazing, and I would recommend her for any questions you have in your quest for every aspect of being an animal enthusiast!!! - Terri Cook Apr 11, 2021
We had a nice chat with Echo about a neighbor cat coming inside. The cat had sprayed and we decided to get a locking kitty door. Explained all this. Echo kept saying he hadn't been the one to spray in the house. Assured him I never suspected him. Always such a treat to connect. - Wendy H. Apr 5, 2021
Neave did a wonderful job of helping us communicate with both our dogs. We adopted our female (L) about 1.5 years ago. She is full of worry. The session mainly focused around her and finding out how we can help her. Neave was able to take us through L’s life experienced and performed healing on her. She also communicated with our male dog & his personality shined through her. - Jennifer & Alex M. - Mar 9, 2021
As always it's such an amazing experience communicating with my two cats through Neave. She is always so helpful and right on!! I always feel so much closer to them afterwards. If I could afford it I would use Neave every week! - Brenda Swygert Feb 11, 2021
I am very grateful for the whole experience with Neave; it really took me to a whole new level of understanding of my bond with Clemmie. - Jane Souzon Feb 2, 2021
I’m so grateful that Neave shares her gift so that I can talk to my pets. She has been instrumental in making my pets’ life easier like my dog’s feedback on how to get in and out of the car easier, foods she doesn’t like, and provide my cat with interactive toys because he’s bored. I love touching base with them and finding out how I can be a better pet owner and make their lives better. - Suzanne Souza - Jan 26, 2021
It was great working with Neave. I have a dog who has some health issues and our session was able to give me a lot of clarification about what is going on with him. It was also great to learn how to better communicate with my other sweet but weird dog as well. - J.N. Jan 24, 2021
Once again, I have reached out to Neave for help with our beloved animals. From understanding difficult and strange behavior patterns, to helping adjust to a relocation safely, to navigating health struggles with all ages of our animals, it has been a pleasure to assists Neaves gifts. She is clear, easy to understand and the results have been very positive for our family. Highly suggest you add her to your health care tool box! Grateful. - Terri Cook and family Jan 21, 2021
Neave has a true and sensitive ability to help us communicate directly with both our dog and cat companions. We have consulted her twice to clarify our dog and cat's needs, thoughts and preferences, and give us all a chance to have a conversation. It's enlightening and fun and has improved the way we care for and communicate with our dear companions. As a result I feel our relationship and understanding has deepened. My spouse and I are truly grateful to Neave. - Ellen Wilhelm Jan 15, 2021
I'm so grateful to Neave for all the conversations we've had over the years. Easy ones and hard ones. Thankfully, this was just a check in, nothing serious - Why are you throwing up? What's with the kitty that comes in the kitty door at night? What should we do about that kitty? We enjoy you sleeping on us. Do you like your food? When are you going to cut my nails again (his question)? We love you. - Wendy H. Jan 4, 2021
We adopted a stray from the shelter after having a dignified Tonkinese old man kitty who resented her intermittently causing her to pee when angry on various play objects and soft surfaces to our confusion. Now that we have all chatted through these concerns with Naeve our kitties are snuggling for the first time! - Steve Casmar Dec 26, 2020
My 13.5-year old boy cat was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Lymphoma. I wanted to make sure he knew what was going on, especially since I would be giving him 3 types of medication. Neave is not only a good person, she is a good medium between humans and their pets. My boy is happy that I am not giving him the meds that make him feel sicker, and only the one that helps with the pain. He is also happy knowing he will die with dignity and as he wishes, at home surrounded by all he loves. - Rebecca R. Dec 10, 2020
We had a stressful month and our cats were definitely feeling it!!! Neave did an amazing job of bringing to our attention how much our tension affects our cats. She communicated what we can do to clear the space in our apartment and also helped facilitate assuring our cats that they are in their forever home and that our human tension doesn't change our love for them. - Jamie Hare Dec 5, 2020
Neave has helped me connect with my cat Ru on multiple occasions now, ranging from behavior changes to conflict with other household pets to negotiating outdoor time. Neave always manages to restore harmony to our house and clue to in to what Ru is trying to tell and teach me. She is kind and gifted. - Mary L Nov 8, 2020
It’s impossible to describe how much Neave’s help in facilitating deep conversations between my dear dog and me have added to our love and happiness together. Neave helped me find Phrynie as a perfect match 5 years ago and I know she will help me until she is ready to transition to the spirit world many years from now. Neave is like a marriage therapist.. opening up the understanding and appreciation we have for each other, and helping us navigate the tough spots. Neave is a gifted healer! - Susan P Oct 27, 2020
One of our dogs was limping and we couldn't figure out why. Neave helped us diagnose it so when we go to the vet we can have them quickly address the issue instead of having to do numerous expensive tests or xrays. She has a very direct style of communicating that is very efficient, much appreciated! - Lindsey S. Oct 14, 2020
This is the real deal. Neave knew things only the coyote family and I would have known. I learned more about the native family and how they have feelings, likes dislikes, and have such joy running free. They are only trying to survive and they do not take anymore than they need. The hour with Neave was a delight. You will not be disappointed and likely you will gain new insights into the world we live in. I did. - LISA V. Sep 27, 2020
It is an amazing experience to learn more of what my animals think and feel. Personalities come out that match the animals she contacts. I saw changes in my cat the next day. I love listening to the session. I'm so happy she recorded it for me! - E.V. Sep 18, 2020
I have spoken to Neave several times. I have two dogs and a cat. We are moving in 3 days so I wanted to make sure they understood and would not get stressed. The kitten will need to go into boarding. He's not thrilled, but was philosophical about it (if I have to, I have to). My big dog had bloat last month with emergency surgery, I was able to find out if he is still uncomfortable. I would highly recommend Neave....she is the real deal and I think my crew likes that they are "heard". - Holly Sep 10, 2020
I learned amazing helpful information about many things my very sweet dog does and doesn’t like, including specific food, why she hates riding in the car, why she doesn’t trust men, and how to help her. She is age 4 and has been with me 2 years and is my dear buddy. I can’t wait to schedule another session. - Maribeth Sep 5, 2020
Thank you Neave. Cricket is able to release past trauma and our communication with her is so much better. - Stephni Balzly Aug 24, 2020
Neave came to me through a referral, and I'm so blessed we found her. She helped us with our newly adopted pup, Kula, whom we rescued from Texas a couple of months ago. We were fairly certain Kula endured trauma at the rescue and we were always curious what had happened so we could avoid any triggers for our sweet girl. Neave provided us with wonderful insight. Through communicating with Kula, we were able to better understand her wants and needs to provide her with a comfortable and safe home. Liz E. - Aug 7, 2020
We have used Neave several times to communicate with our two cats.This last time was to tell the cats that our recent college graduate son who has been home for 4 weeks now would be moving across the country in one week so he won't be coming home very much. It was very helpful especially for our oldest cat that we have had since our son was 12 y/o. It was so sweet to hear our cat tell him how much he loved him and that he was worried about him moving away all by himself. Very touching session. - Brenda Swygert. Jul 13, 2020
Neave is sooo helpful with my cats and this time was no exception! My cat Fahrt had been acting strangely the last couple of weeks and so we scheduled an appointment. Things have been weird at home due to covid and my husband and I are returning to work. Fahrt had noticed the strange energy, Neave explained and was reacting in particular to my anxiety and stress! She suggested yoga again and that night Fahrt and I did yoga. Thank you Neave for reminding me of renewal through animals. - Jamie Hare Jul 13, 2020
This review is combining the last 2 sessions. It is so nice to be able to chat with my cat without anything serious going on. Just a check in regarding a few issues, so it was fun and entertaining and informative. It's also so delightful when my cat brings up something I wasn't aware of to discuss. I always feel closer to him when we talk. Thank you for this valuable, valuable service! - Wendy H. - Jul 6, 2020
I was so impressed with this session. I was able to understand more what my dog was feeling/thinking, and he was able to understand more what i was thinking/feeling. Neave made a real connection to Buddy and I. I would certainly recommend her to anyone needing to get in touch with their animal! - Cheryl Perry - Jul 4, 2020
Neave has supported me and my four-legged family for 7 years. She made end of life transitions bearable and integration of new family members possible. She is a gifted intuitive, communicator and healer. She is compassionate and produces results gently and organically. She has been a witness and champion of my personal growth through the years. I believe Neave heals relationships between pets and their humans, but also between humans and themselves. - Shea L Jun 30, 2020
I loved the communication I had with my dog, Thomas, with Neave's assistance. I was able to confirm some things I thought I had understood from my pup, as well as learn new things and get some answers and input from him on several important decisions that I wanted him to have a voice in. It was a very special time. - Sandy L. Jun 26, 2020
The work that Neave does is absolutely incredible and the progress with my animals is seen almost immediately after the session. I've done two sessions with her one being to help my cats adjust to a new baby and the results were amazing. I highly recommend Neave to help with any behavioral problems or other questions you may have for your furry loved ones. - Heather L. Jun 19, 2020
Neave has compassion, insight, amazing skills and the perfect amount of humor. After a session with her and the animals. & guides, I feel so much better aligned with my body, the Earth, and the amazing beings I share my life with (my animals, whether they be in Body or Spirit). She helps me find my own heartsong. - Katey P - Jun 5, 2020
I have used Neave several times now to help with situations with our cats. As always she is spot on and has been able to communicate with our cats and help us solve the problem. I always feel a closer bond to our cats after a session with her. She has also helped bring closer as to what happened to one of deceased cats which really helped. My only wish is that I could afford to have her communicate with our cats every week because I feel like I am communicating with them as well. - Brenda Jun 4, 2020
We have been using Neave to aid communication with our cat Muriel over the past year and a half. This has allowed us to work through some problem behaviors and develop a close bond. This week we brought home our new boy Nicolai, and the connection she was able to facilitate with both these animals was again so helpful in supporting our continued goal of harmony and love. Thank you so much! - Indigo May 13, 2020
What a delightful conversation, getting to the bottom of my cat not eating very much and then throwing up after eating what he did eat. Neave was able to feel what my cat was feeling in order to get to the bottom of the problem. It was so fascinating and helpful. With a change in food and a special food bowl ordered to slow him down, he is already feeling better. I am forever grateful to Neave. - W.H. Apr 19, 2020
I’m so grateful for Neave’s connection. We had a great time conversing with my familiars. Not only did we get to the bottom of what I assumed were health issues but I really got to see their personalities in a completely unique way. Highly recommend a session.. - Tamara Apr 17, 2020
Excellent session, as usual! Needed to figure out how to deal with an ongoing unwanted feline intruder. Neave came up with ideas to try and ways to handle the situation, and comfort our cat as well. - Wendy H. Apr 6, 2022
Thanks Neave! I feel like I have a better understanding of where Leo came from, what he is feeling now and what work we both need to do. It was valuable time spent for both of us. I was also good to hear from my sweeties that are in spirit. Thank you! - EM
Thank you for your support, help, compassion and non-judgement as Gracie and I moved thru the crisis this weekend. Blessings! - Christina
Neave has worked and played to develop her natural abilities to communicate with animals and all life. Her spirit is playful, yet she is able to go to the heart of the matter with grace and allow the dignity of each being to feel honored. We all have a deep need to be seen and heard, and that is our grateful experience with Neave. - Connie
Thank you so much for helping us to learn more about each other and how to communicate better. Braymore and I are grateful to you. - The old feisty gal and her horse
Thank you for all your doing for our herd family. - TL
She is not woo-woo, just a grounded, fact checkable, liaison/translator. Although she helped me significantly during their lives, I found this communication to be particularly crucial for my dog’s end of life experience. Were they in pain? What could I do to make him/her more comfortable? When were they ready to make their transition? As important as it was for them, I was actually able to bear the heartbreak of losing them easier knowing we were all on the same track and in agreement. - SL
Today's session was such an interesting and satisfying time for me. Thank you again, Neave, for helping me connect with and better understand Ember. It made my day! Thank you - Nina
Thank you so much for facilitating the conversation with Huck and Finn. Immediately after the call I connected with each one. Huck had his little happy drool while he looked me in the eyes. Finn gave me so many affectionate head-butts. We all learned so much. I feel lucky to have found you. - Sandi and the boys - Huck and Finn
Thank you for all your help, it is beyond words. You captured Harry's voice well... it was how I thought he sounded. I appreciate you so much for helping us communicate clearly with Harry and reconnect with our own energies and our helpers and protectors. The impact of your work is profound and ongoing. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. - A, G, and Harry
Thank you what you gave me today was priceless! I learned so many important little lessons throughout and I'm writing the whole experience down so as to cherish these lessons. What you have give me through the goodness of your heart, I hope to pass on to others, continuing the cycle of connections in our world. Thank you, thank you, Thank you. - Joan
Neave has worked her amazing spiritual gifts with my family, both human and animal. My husband and 3 cats have (in addition to covid) had quite the year of drama and Neave has done a wonderful job of defusing the tensions and confusion. She has helped us navigate some life changes with our boys and we are so grateful for Neave and her work! - Jamie Hare Sep 2, 2021
Neave has helped me connect with my cat Ru on multiple occasions now, ranging from behavior changes to conflict with other household pets to negotiating outdoor time. Neave always manages to restore harmony. - Mary L Nov 8, 2020
One of our dogs was limping and we couldn't figure out why. Neave helped us diagnose it so when we go to the vet we can have them quickly address the issue instead of having to do numerous expensive tests. - Lindsey S Oct 14, 2020
It is an amazing experience to learn more of what my animals think and feel. Personalities come out that match the animals she contacts. I saw changes in my cat the next day - E.V. Sep 18, 2020
.I was so impressed with this session. I was able to understand more what my dog was feeling/thinking, and he was able to understand more what I was thinking/feeling. Neave made a real connection to Buddy. - Cheryl Perry Jul 4, 2020
The work that Neave does is absolutely incredible and the progress with my animals is seen almost immediately after the session. I've done two sessions with her one being to help my cats adjust to my new baby. - Heather L Jun 19, 2020
Neave has compassion, insight, amazing skills and the perfect amount of humor. After a session with her and the animals guides, I feel so much better aligned with my body, the Earth, and the amazing animals who share my life with me - KT Jun 5, 2020
Neave gets through to my person when no one else can. I now feel heard and understood; I know my needs will be respected. Harmony is restored. Thanks. - Nadia, cat client Jan 17, 2020
Neave was wonderful. I had a lovely session with her and my pup. It was very meaningful and super on point. Thank you again! - Danika K Nov 8, 2019
The session was more of a healing session for me than I expected. Neave explained my cat represents the light of truth and that when I teeter between light and dark moments my angel cat is the tether to keep from floating away. What a gift. - L.B. Sep 14, 2019
Neave has a gentle way of communicating both to the animal and the human partner. I enjoy learning about my horse, his likes and dislikes and her encouragement in me finding his voice/messages he is sending me constantly. He wants me to trust my intuition. - Jeanna Taylor Sep 5, 2019
Thank you Neave for your amazing skill to provide a compassionate connection between me and my kitty, Bow. We talked about his failing health and learned how to best help him. - Laura R Jul 13, 2019
Neave helped our dog and us understand each other better. What she taught us all will strengthen our bond and let us have more fun together. Her ability to hear each of us and communicate our wants and needs is impressive. I am so grateful. - Mary Henderson May 17, 2019
Muriel's ears perked up when Neave first checked in before the call. She then went back to sleep on the cushion next to me, but after our 45 minutes were finished something definite had shifted. - Indigo Jan 5, 2019
Neave provides an invaluable service--a channel to communicate, learn, help to heal and be healed. Part therapy, part communication to heal the soul, the world. - Katey P Feb 12, 2019
Neave is just an amazing communicator with furry friends and with their humans! She gets straight to the point, and does such a great job translating! I’d recommend her to anybody and their pups!! - A.W. Nov 5, 2018
Neave was amazing. Her insight was spot on. Having a conversation with Rose gave me so much needed information. Today Rose and I went on a trail ride and it was the best one ever. We are now communicating! - Debra McCurdy Jul 28, 2018
Neave has an amazing ability to connect with all my animals, connect with me and my family to help each of us strive to find balance in our lives together. - HR July 20, 2018
Neave communicating with my animal family was beyond beautiful. It was emotional and heartbreaking with a glorious ending, the closeness and mutual trust in my relationship with Fresca has been immediate. - Laura Evans Jul 20, 2018
Neave helped me understand why my dog was barking so much and why she was so afraid. It was so helpful having the session with her because it opened up the communication for me and my dog on a deeper level. - Lisa Shook Jun 12, 2018
It was great to be able to communicate with our fuzzy baby what 'vacation' means and why he couldn't go with us. Thank you Neave! - A Nov 13, 2014
I needed some help with my older cat and my kitten and not only did Neave provide amazing insight into both cats and their current states but she helped me see how taking care of myself was key to taking care of them. - VC Mar 31, 2014
V.CI was very surprised at how detailed this session was. I had my questions answered and have learned a lot about my dogs. Neave made the process very easy for me. I will be using her again in the future. - LC Nov 6, 2013
Totally accurate, and without the vagueness I have found with other psychics (which can be frustrating and confusing). I am so very happy and satisfied with Neave's communication with my 3 pets. - NY Oct 2015
I asked Neave for help to get to know my cat more and asked her about the new apartment we just moved into. It was way more powerful than I ever imagined! Not only I got to know her but she also became more settled and loving. - Nao Y Mar 15, 2018
Another great session to help my animals and I connect and understand one another. Learning how to make changes with grace and a more gentle touch helps us all. - Holly R Mar 7, 2018
I always learn so much in every session with Neave and our cat and dog, and come away feeling so happy and close to both of them. I try to check in with them periodically even if nothing serious is. - JM Oct 15, 2015
Neave is an amazing facilitator of conversations with our critters. She guides things along seamlessly and brings incredible respect and love for our fuzzy friends. - Eileen A Oct 4, 2015
It was wonderful to work with Neave, the communication process was easy and powerful. My dog has begun healing from a very traumatic beginning and the differences I have seen in her this week are profound. -Sophia G May 25, 2017
I think of myself as an intuitive person but also a skeptic. I know there are people who pretend to have special skills and abilities. And then there is Neave. She is the honest and true holder of animal communication. -Colleen Q Feb 7, 2017
I find comfort in clarity and we were able to receive some clear feedback from our Precious as well as insight into her feelings and emotional state. -B.W. Dec 29, 2016
Neave proved that she grocked our little dog and had a handle on what was going on inside her head from the start. She picked up on her big energy and personality, translating to us what we needed to know. - Sam H Nov 23, 2016
Another wonderful session with Neave and my animals. I always learn so much and feel so comforted knowing how everyone is really doing. Thank you. - William Y 2016
Neave's ability to connect with our animals (and us) is amazing. She has helped us (we have five animals) through some major family challenges as well as our little Aly's chronic illness so we could support her in the best way possible. - Melanie DePaoli Jun 27, 2016
Neave helped me have an eye opening conversation with my sweet Honeybear, that brought such peace of mind and comfort during a very challenging time - Julie B Jan 26, 2016
I learned useful things about my dogs diet needs, among other things, and the grief one of my dogs is experiencing. I made some changes and, it sounds funny, but my dogs seem very pleased with me for it. - J.S Dec 31, 2015
"When our beloved poodle, Rusty, was nearing his departure, Neave's gifts were invaluable, and a true blessing. Through conversation she facilitated with Rusty, she helped us find peace of mind in knowing when and how to help Rusty leave with dignity and in the way that he wished, and the closure my family needed in order to say goodbye. Neave knew little about my family -- my home, husband, two adult children, bird, and previously passed cat -- but Rusty did. And in communication with him, Neave shared his thoughts, humor, words of love, and personal messages to each of us describing details only an intimate family member could know. The experience was profound. We also were able to learn he welcomed an assisted death, that he desired a wake with all of us present (via phone for my out-of-town daughter), and that he was ready. All of this we did, knowing it was within the timeline that was right for him, and just as he had wanted. For that, our gratitude to Neave is immeasurable. We, animals and humans alike, are so blessed to have her here, willing to share her amazing gifts with the world." - Nora, Seattle
She is not woo-woo, just a grounded, fact checkable, liaison/translator. Although she helped me significantly during their lives, I found this communication to be particularly crucial for my dog’s end of life experience. Were they in pain? What could I do to make him/her more comfortable? When were they ready to make their transition? As important as it was for them, I was actually able to bear the heartbreak of losing them easier knowing we were all on the same track and in agreement. - SL
Neave has been so amazing with helping us connect with our cat so we could learn how best to care for her. Our kitty has a chronic disease and is near her end of life, it was great to check in and learn how she is feeling and how we can add more comfort to her days. Thank you Neave! - Laura R Feb 3, 2022
Neave spoke to Rosie, my recently-diagnosed lab with kidney failure, upon her unfortunate diagnosis. I did everything Rosie wanted in her last weeks. Our communication made me and Rosie feel at peace when it was time for her to cross the Rainbow Bridge at home last week with the wonderful folks at Compassion 4 Paws. Our communication made me the best dog - Momma I could have been during our last days together! Exceptional. Compassionate. And, very insightful. - Linda Boyle Aug 17, 2021
Our Ody was diagnosed with bone cancer in his skull. With Neave's help, we were able to include him in all decisions including timing for end of life. Through Neave, we were able to explain the need for vet visits and interventions. We met Ody's requests for visits with special friends, sharing love and affection and being present and finally saying goodbye. Neave is a gifted person and we are so thankful to have been able to have her assistance with Ody's crossing. - Melissa M Jun 29, 2020
The most comprehensive, compassionate, and life-changing experience. I did an one hour session on the end of life for our dog. I felt at peace knowing I had to make a hard choice to release strider. - SZ
Talking with Neave the night before I️ euthanized my best friend was so uplifting. It was like holding my hand and speaking love through my furry girl. She was ready to go and that conversation was so authentic and soothing to my heart. - Donna Kane Dec 29, 2017
I can communicate with animals! I seriously did not think that would happen - Bethany
If you have pets, and an open mind, you can deepen your relationship with your pets - Paul Ruben
Yes...you would enjoy this class because it helps you connect more deeply with your own intuition and helps you tune into nature beings on a new level. - Judy Gribble
Neave is an amazing teacher. She has a childlike wonder and encourages other to do the same. No answer is wrong and she is so good at helping others understand this gift. She is down to earth and is so patient with her students and clients her work is amazing. - Heather Licari
Neave’s deep knowledge and intuitive connection to the animals is infectiously joyous! If my best friend were to ask me about Neave’s classes I’d say, “Take them! They’re a lot of fun. You’ll be surprised at how much you learn about connecting with the animals in just a few classes. - MS, Seattle
Neave is an amazing teacher. She has a childlike wonder and encourages others to do the same. No answer is wrong and she is so good at helping others understand this gift. She is down to earth and is so patient with her students and clients her work is amazing. - Heather
The experience of connecting with the animals was not what I expected—somehow it was just so natural and easy, not foreign at all, like I was simply re-learning a skill I had lost a long time ago. What a rich experience, and what life-affirming messages I received. - Anonymous
Neave is the real deal. Her talents in this realm are profound, and it is an honor to learn and grow under her guidance. - Anonymous
Neave is at once deeply reverent and profoundly authentically human, which enables her to create a safe healing space. She is a true teacher. Empowering her students with the felt experience and embodied understanding that we all have the innate ability to communicate with animals — and she provides very accessible strategies with which to move forward. - Jessie
Learning that communicating with animals is just as doable as any other human activity. Also, that the difference in our belief systems was not an impediment for me, because I saw what lay behind yours -- a profound respect and joy in life and all forms of creation, that it embraced a higher and broader view of it. I appreciated this a lot, as it opened up my own thoughts to something I also believe but never gave thought to. - JS
Student Testimony from 2 Day Animal Communication Workshop:
I took a two-day animal communication workshop with Neave with an intention to improve my ability to connect with the horses I love & collaborate with through Horseback Yoga classes I teach. I came out of the experience positively transformed in ways I could not have dreamed of.
Neave is at once deeply reverent and profoundly authentically human, which enables her to create a safe healing space. She is a true teacher—empowering her students with the felt experience and embodied understanding that we all have the innate ability to do this work—and she provides very accessible strategies with which to move forward. She facilitates in the most disarming way, inviting us to find comfort in insecurity and step into the truth of where we are in the moment, because it is only from a place of congruency and truth that we can grow. The space she cultivates for practice and play fosters a childlike innocence where we are able to access the sense of Wonder that may have been lost from years of "shoulds." And then the fun begins!
I came out of the workshop with a profoundly empowering healing practice that has truly shifted how I operate in relationship—not only with the animals, but also with my students, patients, coworkers, and my-Self.
The experience of connecting with the animals was not what I expected—somehow it was just so natural and easy, not foreign at all, like I was simply re-learning a skill I had lost a long time ago. What a rich experience, and what life-affirming messages I received.
Neave is the real deal. Her talents in this realm are profound, and it is an honor to learn and grow under her guidance. Thank you Neave!
Responses from Students in Animal Communication Basics Class to the question:
What results have you gotten from this class?
That communicating with animals is something I can actually learn to do ( I didn't trust this before); that answers tend to come right away; that I understand why answers are not necessarily right or wrong; that I have acquired a fresh and heightened view of creation and perception/ respect for all forms of life. I was interested to learn that you had done some mental work to prepare us for an activity on the last day. I think I must have been receptive to it, because my answers came more easily. - J.
The start of some confidence and encouragement to keep trying. - WH
Remembering my true self, and voice. - Bethany
Thank you for facilitating the communication with both Tigger and Mew. I cannot put into words how much better I am feeling. Not so stuck in the grief any more. The gift you offer and hold space for is a miracle space!!!
Thanks again. Many blessings to you. - Liese, Mew and Tigger July 22, 2022
It’s difficult to put into words how wonderful and helpful the sessions with Neave are. In my recent session with her I was able to communicate with my sweet little dog who passed very unexpectedly and quickly this past summer, which brought closure and comfort to me. I also was able to hear kind and helpful words from Danny, my dog who came to me through a rescue a year and a half ago. I was able to ask him about his wishes and feelings. These times with Neave are priceless! - Sandy Labowitz Jan 14, 2022
I can't say how grateful I am to Neave for helping to bring some healing to me and my cat O'Malley following his very sudden and unexpected death. Through Neave I was able to communicate with my cat, we shared our sadness, shock, and most importantly our love. Neave gave us both ways to help heal our fragmented hearts and assurance that we could still be near each other in spirit and soul. Neave's compassion and caring spirit is a gift. - Michelle B. Mar 5, 2022
Neave has helped me make contact with my deceased dog, and to reduce the conflict between my present dog and cat. She has offered practical, useful suggestions as well as emotional insights. She is a gifted animal communicator who is willing to go the extra mile to be of help. - Carol Olwell Sep 8, 2021
It was so wonderful to be able to communicate with my cat that got sick suddenly and I had to euthanize him. It helped ease the pain and to also communicate with my two other cats and understand they are also grieving and know what they need. Neave is wonderful, so caring and understanding with the animals and me. I received really good advice from my Angel kitty. Thank you Neave ❤️ - Rosalin Siemens - Jun 12, 2021
I have very much appreciated the help I received from Neave about a deceased animal companion and my present cat. She has shown me sides of their personalities I had not seen or appreciated, and offered very helpful suggestions regarding food, grooming, and things the cat would like changed to help her feel more at ease. I have no hesitation in recommending her to those wanting communication with their companion animals in this world or the afterlife. - C.O. Mar 25, 2021
I had a call and we were able to communicate with my black lab that had recently crossed over. It was very sudden and a shock to all of us. My dog was able to tell me everything that I needed to hear and help with the closure process. I am so impressed and this was a complete blessing. Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to help us Neave, you are amazing and a true gift. I would highly recommend her to everyone!!! - Brittany M. Nov 18, 2020
Neave is amazing. I had to put my sweet mare Rose down and I was devastated. Neave brought Rose and I together and we were able to communicate how we each felt. Rose was happy to be out of such severe pain. The conversation helped ease my heart and my guilt. - Debra McCurdy Jul 10, 2019
This was my first time speaking with Neave and it was well worth the money. She was able to communicate with our deceased cat. This communication helped bring closer after his death and lift my guilt. - BS May 18, 2018
Neave helped connect me with my recently crossed over Dog. It was clear to me that she was in contact with Jasmine by sharing Jasmine and my experience of her transition. - Nancy Dec 27, 2017
Having Neave to communicate with my beloved Boston Terrier is truly a blessing. Every time we receive such "right on" information. Truly she can get to the heart of the matter, with insights from Roxie. - Denise Davis Oct 20, 2017
I'm so glad to have been able to have Neave speak with my kitties, who are in physical form and recently transitioned to spirit form. The messages were clear and in their individual voices. It was wonderful. - A.S. Jun 2, 2017
Neave's attention, not only to my two dogs (1 in spirit and 1 in physical form), but also to me, was very comforting and had a great healing effect. - Christina Fortunato Nov 19, 2015