Trust in your ability to communicate with animals
During conversations when people hear their animals reply to certain questions they exclaim “Oh I already knew that!” or “Wow! I sense that when I am around them. ” The reason is because you are always in communication with your animals. Being a human you are a sending and receiving telepathic communication station.
YES I will say it again -
Let that sink in
Just as you are in this moment right now,
have the ability to communicate telepathically.
This is one of the cool perks of being a human!
Also, you and your beloved animal have established a communication style. Your beloved animals are broadcasting communications energetically on all the psychic senses - hoping one of your channels will receive the message.
Here is a brief explanation of the psychic senses :
When you just know something, just know it without much thought - that’s claircognizance - clear knowing
When you see images - like you see the park in your mind's eye while you are cooking dinner, this is clairvoyance - clear seeing. You may be getting a message from your dog that it is park time,
When you hear words or responses to your thoughts about your pet, such as if you are worried about your pet’s vet appointment tomorrow you may hear - Why do I have to go? That is clairaudience - clear hearing
When you sense or feel something that is not your feeling or sensation. For example you may experience a brief pain in your hand and later observe your pet limping. That is clairsentient - clear feeling.
Like any good conversation, validating and responding keeps communication flowing and open. I invite you to trust your amazing body’s ability to communicate with your pet and TRUST TRUST TRUST you are receiving communication from them. Respond and be curious. Animals respond really quickly so acknowledge whatever you receive, ask more questions. If you don't feel confident in being in the conversation - just keep acknowledging what you receive and taking action. Such as if you know your cat wants to go outside and are not comfortable letting them go in and out .. get a harness .
You share your life with a master energetic communicator who can help you strengthen your intuitive abilities - it takes practice and TRUST.
Kick doubt to the curb and dive into the conversation. You amazing telepathic communicator! 😉 💗