Honoring your past Animals

A Day of the Dead Ceremony

Join an online ceremony to honor and to connect

to your wonderful past companion animals.

November 3 • 5 - 6:30pm PST

via zoom with Neave Karger - Animal Communicator

A Special Invitation to connect with your beloved animals in the spirit realm

To honor and connect with your beloved animals in the spirit realm, I personally invite you to join me for Honoring your past Animals at a Day of Dead Ceremony.  This 7th annual ceremony was created in response to a request from hundreds of animals in spirit to have sacred space opened for them to easily connect with their people.  

  • Do your heart and soul still ache from the loss of your beloved animal companion that shared your life for years? 

  • Do you wish to hear their bark, purr, meows, nails clicking on the floor, their sighs? All those noises and communications you knew so well and miss hearing. 

  • Do you miss the weight of their body leaning on you, or sitting on your lap?

  • Remember how soft their fur was?  Do your fingers miss the sensation? 

  • Do you remember the constant surveillance of you - those stares they used to give you or the side eye or the eye rolls?  

The Day of Day Ceremony opens ceremonial sacred space for you to connect with animals in spirit. It is a space for your grief, longing, heartache and desire for connection. Connecting with animals in spirit is easier at this time of year because the veils are thinner between the spiritual world.

You will be guided to be receptively open and to perceive with your whole body. Remembering what it felt like to be in their presence allows pathways to open to that feeling here and now—the soft head nuzzle, the weight in your lap, the smell of their coat, or just that comforting familiarity of their presence in the room. Then you can tell them what's on your heart.

This is an opportunity to be in a ceremony to pay tribute  and connect to your wonderful companion animals.  The ceremony is via zoom and I will have created an altar honoring animals that have crossed over.  While in front of an altar you create for your past animal companion,  you will be guided in connecting with them to share love and memories.  You  can even call animals from your childhood. You can resolve and release anything that has weighed heavy on your heart allowing the flow of love and connection to deepen while sharing memories and presence.

The animals teach about loving deeply, living fully, and staying connected forever in your heart.

Don't trick yourself that you won't feel your beloved animal. 

Instead treat yourself to the mystery of life - connection and love.  The animals always come when called.

Day of the Dead Ceremony is Sunday,  November 3   5 - 6:30 PM​ PDT / 8 - 9:30 PM EDT  via Zoom

Hoping you and beloved spirit animals can make it,


Ceremony Participant Testimonial

During the Ceremony a cat who had recently crossed over confirmed he was sending messages to his beloved human.

The day he crossed over a neighbor took a picture of the front porch where he use to hang out. In the pictures there was an orb which is a spiritual vehicle for a loved one, angel or guide, or spiritual being to move them from one realm to another.

The angel spider web showed up shortly after he crossed.

Later that week a heart appeared in the unused litter box.

His person is pleased he is so actively sending her messages.

Benefits of Ceremony Participation

Who is this Ceremony for?

This ceremony is for anybody who wants to deepen their connection to their past animals and connect with them.

This ceremony is intended for:

  • Those who believe animals are spiritual sentient beings

  • Those who are seeking to build greater self awareness

  • Those who are seeking to deepen their relationships with their animals in spirit

  • Those who desire to enhance their communication skills and strengthen their intuition

  • Those who are willing to learn in order to communicate with the animals

  • Those who have shared their lives with animals. 

  • Those who have an open heart and a curious mind.

  • Folks who are compassionate and respectful.

This ceremony is NOT intended for:

  • Those who believe animals cannot or do not communicate with humans from the spirit realm

  • Those who believe in intellectual-only knowledge

  • People who don’t believe in psychic senses and body wisdom

  • Anyone who is not willing to explore new ideas and possibilities 

  • Anyone not willing to treat animals with compassion and respect.

Meet the Team

  • Neave Karger


  • HeartSong Communications


  • Altar


  • Your Body, Desire & Intention for Connection


  • Your Companions in Spirit

Rescheduling, Cancellations, and No-Shows for Workshops, Classes and Ceremonies

Things happen! If you need to cancel your reservation for a workshop, class or ceremony

  • earlier than 1 week from date of event - full refund

  • from 1 week to 2 days prior - 50% refund

  • no refunds will be given if cancellation occurs within 2 days prior to the event

Email us at neaveanimals@gmail.com to make any changes to your booking.