Connecting with Your Past Companion Animals

Around this time of year there is much talk about the veils  thinning and the spiritual world moving in closer.   What does this mean and what does it have to do with us and our communication with our beloved pets?  

My favorite description of the notion of the thinning of the veils is from author and spiritual teacher,  Tess Whitehurst, 

“You might say it’s the place where the everyday illusion of separation brushes up against the divine truth of eternity and universal interconnection. The place where form meets spirit, seen meets unseen, known meets unknown.

Why does the veil thin at Samhain? Because the days are getting shorter and the natural world is preparing to temporarily withdraw from the realm of life and growth. The harvest cycle is waning, but it’s not gone. This means Samhain is a transition: a doorway between the season of life and the season of death. Beneath this realm of constant change, there is a wide open space of eternity. A place of stillness in which the appearance of change arises. A serene openness to which we will always return, and with which we are one, even at this very moment.”

What does this have to do with our pets? In general, animals are more energetically attuned to the earth and spirit world than we are, and as the veils thin the animals are more aware of this connection than at other times of the year.  If a beloved pet is elderly and ready to cross, they feel the pull and sense the opening that can ease their transition back to spirit form. At this time, our psychic abilities are enhanced as well. It’s a good time to have a conversation with elderly pets; to hear their wishes on how they want to move on so we can honor and support them.  

What about pets already in spirit form? Remembering them by sharing stories with others who shared their lives honors and invites them to come closer. We can tell them what's on our hearts and listen with all our whole bodies for responses. Remembering what it felt like to be in their presence allows pathways to open to that feeling here and now—the soft head nuzzle, the weight in your lap, the smell of their coat, or just that comforting familiarity of their presence in the room. Don't trick yourself that you don't feel them.  The animals always come when called.


Expressions of Gratitude Taught by Prince, the Labrador Retriever


Odd behavior? Or a Message That Things are Out of Balance?