Expressions of Gratitude Taught by Prince, the Labrador Retriever

On the long walks my dog Prince invites me on, I’ve been pondering gratitude and its expression.   When we’re in the woods and he’s running and chasing balls with other dogs I feel gratitude radiating from him. He wears a big smile on his face and is more responsive to me when he understands that I’m doing my best to meet his needs.  I feel the same thing in the evenings after we’ve had a session of tug of war or wrestling. He settles down with a happy sigh. As the evening progresses, he’ll check in on what I am doing with more of a  “Hey, now what’s going on?” attitude compared to an exasperated “When are we going to play?” attitude

His attitude of gratitude invokes more engagement with me. A blog post entitled  “What is Gratitude?” explained, “Gratitude is both a feeling and an attitude, thankfulness is the demonstrative expression of it, whether extended to ourselves or others.   We can express thanks in words—spoken or written—or in deeds, by extending time, resources, or gifts to support people in unexpected ways or to help those in need. Appreciation is the recognition of that which makes us feel grateful, and can also be expressed internally or externally. Gratitude often ignites acts of generosity; we are moved to offer ourselves to others without expecting anything in return. Buddhists refer to generous acts that are freely given as “royal generosity.”  These are just a few of the qualities related to gratitude.  The expression of gratitude creates an opening that invites many other positive states and experiences into our lives.”

Prince’s clear expression of gratitude creates an opening that invites more bonding moments, even if it’s just an ear rub and a kiss.  His embodiment of gratitude is teaching me to be more expressive with my gratitude.  Am I energetically and verbally communicating my gratitude when I feel it?  What does it feel like?  Each situation may be different and I am starting to track the moments I feel most alive and full of gratitude.  The times that are the easiest for me to track this feeling is during a conversation with the animals, doing healings, teaching or leading ceremonies and I am grateful in those moments because I am so present.   

Now can I cross train myself to feel the gratitude and the aliveness when chopping vegetables for dinner?  Or when I’m in conversation with a person who has opposing views?  Can I be present and not get lost in distraction and thoughts?

 According to ANGELES ARRIEN  From her book Living in Gratitude: A Journey That Will Change Your Life

“ When people in great numbers choose to practice, integrate, and embody gratitude, the cumulative force that is generated can help create the kind of world we all hope for and desire, for ourselves and for future generations.” 

I’m thankful that I share my life with Prince, who teaches me about being present and embodying gratitude by exuding it with great clarity in the moment. As I learn from him, I can help create a world based on gratitude, kindness, compassion, and equality.

I’m grateful for my clients, students and teachers and their animal companions; for the opportunity to be part of deep and heartfelt conversations, healings, teachings, and ceremonies. Each conversation heightens my awareness of the depth of compassion and love that our animals have for us.  Since animals live in the present and are attuned with the flow of energy, they are skilled guides. They show us the road back home; to the heart, to ourselves, to being here now and expressing ourselves in the moment. 


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