Summer Plans? Have you told your pets?

Summer months bring in vibrant  energy - the let's get going and do energy.  The natural world models this with the influx of migratory birds, the prolific baby bunnies, the new squirrels scampering here and there trying to learn how to make their own nests.  The upwelling of energy from the Sun and the Earth affects all beings, plants, animals, humans.  

Just like the vibrant juicy alive summer energy, your attention is powerful, juicy and alive. When you share your life with animals, the energy flow (your attention and intention) magnetically draws their attention as well, more than your words.

I invite you to observe how the summer energy is affecting your beloved animal companion - do you live somewhere so hot that being indoors is a must?  Is your cat waking you up early, late and in the middle of the night with a desire to be out on the hunt in all the nocturnal activities going on?  Is your dog wanting longer walks or more swimming?


How does summer affect you? What is your attention directed toward?  What is your intention for the summer? Do you have many trips planned?  Are you trying to complete a home project?  Are you constantly on the go drinking in the many activities of summer?  


Updating your animals of the daily activities in your life is important for harmony and balance.  They are a central part of the family and they know something is up from where your attention and intention are going.  Fill in the gaps for them by sharing news with them. If  you have special events coming up such as graduations, weddings, parties and people are coming over, tell them who is coming and how long they are staying.  Tell them everything. 

And yes, I mean literally tell them out loud what the plans are and remind them as time goes by! Animals read your energy, so speaking out loud to them is a bit different from speaking out loud to a person. They will interpret your messages through emotions and pictures which means you need to make sure to speak from the heart and be honest with them! ⁠ Talking with them as soon as plans are made helps them relax which means you can relax.  Also, keep them in the loop if there are changes to plans.  

For example, I enjoy camping.  I do  not enjoy the camping prep, (though I am streamlining it).  Some camping trips Prince, my loyal adventure dog can come along and some trips he can’t go. Some of the trips he can’t go on may be because I am doing a ceremony or going into an area where dogs aren’t permitted, etc.  Each of the trips have different vibes which he can sense. That is why I tell him what’s up.  As soon as I start getting things out for the upcoming trip - I tell him out loud what is up and the type of trip it is and if he is going.  This is an example of sharing my intention and orienting him to where my attention is going.


Since our animals track us energetically all the time he watches me during the whole prep process.  There are points along the way that I get super frustrated with the whole packing thing, or  I can’t find something or do I really need all this food, etc.  I let him know that I am frustrated.  If I did not own that I was frustrated and was going around banging things or sighing and acting like all was well he would steer clear of me because the energy inside did not match outside.  To him I am not safe now.  To be safe is just to name, own the energy/ feeling you are experiencing inside.

Keep updating your animals daily or what’s going on activity as well as what’s going on with you for balance and harmony. 

Remember :Energy flows where intention and attention go. 



Share your travel plans with your animals


Your animal invites you to join in the conversation with them