Share your travel plans with your animals
If you are traveling and they are staying home, share with them the plan. Where you are going, why they aren’t going and who is taking care of them. Tell them everything. Tell them how many nights you will be gone and their care plan. Then make sure you keep energetically connected to them while you are gone by saying good night and good morning, even if you are in a different time zone as well as telling them how many days until your return.
Tell them out loud what the plans are and remind them as time goes by! Animals read your energy, so speaking out loud to them is a bit different from speaking out loud to a person. They will interpret your messages through emotions and pictures which means you need to make sure to speak from the heart and be honest with them! Talking with them as soon as plans are made helps them relax which means you can relax. Keep them in the loop if there are changes to plans.
Also, if they pop into your mind energetically during the day, that is them sending you a text message. Respond to them by sending love, imagining you’re petting them and/or sharing with them what you are doing. Your thoughts get turned into pictures so you could think in response to their text message: “ I am in a museum right now with a lot of other people and looking at famous paintings. You would not enjoy it. It is stuffy, hot and there are lots of people.”